DANdroid | Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (2024)


Authors: Stuart Millar, Niall McLaughlin, Jesus Martinez del Rincon, Paul Miller, and Ziming Zhao

CODASPY '20: Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy

March 2020

Pages 353 - 364

Published: 16 March 2020 Publication History

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    We present DANdroid, a novel Android malware detection model using a deep learning Discriminative Adversarial Network (DAN) that classifies both obfuscated and unobfuscated apps as either malicious or benign. Our method, which we empirically demonstrate is robust against a selection of four prevalent and real-world obfuscation techniques, makes three contributions. Firstly, an innovative application of discriminative adversarial learning results in malware feature representations with a strong degree of resilience to the four obfuscation techniques. Secondly, the use of three feature sets; raw opcodes, permissions and API calls, that are combined in a multi-view deep learning architecture to increase this obfuscation resilience. Thirdly, we demonstrate the potential of our model to generalize over rare and future obfuscation methods not seen in training. With an overall dataset of 68,880 obfuscated and unobfuscated malicious and benign samples, our multi-view DAN model achieves an average F-score of 0.973 that compares favourably with the state-of-the-art, despite being exposed to the selected obfuscation methods applied both individually and in combination.



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    • Abdullah KHadi A(2024)Exploring the Effectiveness of Machine and Deep Learning Techniques for Android Malware DetectionJournal of Image Processing and Intelligent Remote Sensing10.55529/jipirs.42.1.10(1-10)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2024
    • Siddiqui SKhan T(2024)An Overview of Techniques for Obfuscated Android Malware DetectionSN Computer Science10.1007/s42979-024-02637-35:4Online publication date: 16-Mar-2024


    • Rai AIm E(2024)Multi-NetDroid: Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network forAndroid Malware DetectionUbiquitous Security10.1007/978-981-97-1274-8_15(219-235)Online publication date: 13-Mar-2024
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    Index Terms

    1. DANdroid: A Multi-View Discriminative Adversarial Network for Obfuscated Android Malware Detection

      1. Computing methodologies

        1. Machine learning

          1. Learning paradigms

            1. Multi-task learning

            2. Machine learning approaches

              1. Neural networks

          2. Security and privacy

            1. Intrusion/anomaly detection and malware mitigation

              1. Malware and its mitigation


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          Published In

          DANdroid | Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (6)

          CODASPY '20: Proceedings of the Tenth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy

          March 2020

          392 pages



          • General Chairs:
          • Vassil Roussev

            University of New Orleans, USA

          • Bhavani Thuraisingham

            University of Texas at Dallas, USA

          • Program Chairs:
          • Barbara Carminati

            University of Insubria, Italy

          • Murat Kantarcioglu

            University of Texas at Dallas, USA

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          • SIGSAC: ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit, and Control


          Association for Computing Machinery

          New York, NY, United States

          Publication History

          Published: 16 March 2020


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          1. android malware detection
          2. convolutional neural networks
          3. deep learning
          4. obfuscation


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          CODASPY '20


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          • Abdullah KHadi A(2024)Exploring the Effectiveness of Machine and Deep Learning Techniques for Android Malware DetectionJournal of Image Processing and Intelligent Remote Sensing10.55529/jipirs.42.1.10(1-10)Online publication date: 1-Feb-2024
          • Siddiqui SKhan T(2024)An Overview of Techniques for Obfuscated Android Malware DetectionSN Computer Science10.1007/s42979-024-02637-35:4Online publication date: 16-Mar-2024


          • Rai AIm E(2024)Multi-NetDroid: Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Network forAndroid Malware DetectionUbiquitous Security10.1007/978-981-97-1274-8_15(219-235)Online publication date: 13-Mar-2024
          • Chopra RAcharya SRawat UBhatnagar R(2023)An Energy Efficient, Robust, Sustainable, and Low Computational Cost Method for Mobile Malware DetectionApplied Computational Intelligence and Soft Computing10.1155/2023/20290642023Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023


          • Arya MArya SArya S(2023)An Evaluation of Real-time Malware Detection in IoT Devices: Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms with RapidMiner2023 IEEE International Conference on Electro Information Technology (eIT)10.1109/eIT57321.2023.10187265(077-082)Online publication date: 18-May-2023
          • Gao CCai MYin SHuang GLi HYuan WLuo X(2023)Obfuscation-Resilient Android Malware Analysis Based on Complementary FeaturesIEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security10.1109/TIFS.2023.330250918(5056-5068)Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023


          • Singh VKumar LPatel AKrishna A(2023)An Empirical Framework for Malware Prediction Using Multi-Layer Perceptron2023 OITS International Conference on Information Technology (OCIT)10.1109/OCIT59427.2023.10430935(485-490)Online publication date: 13-Dec-2023
          • Buriya SSharma N(2023)Malware Detection Using 1d Convolution with Batch Normalization and L2 Regularization for Android2023 International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN)10.1109/ICSCAN58655.2023.10395472(1-6)Online publication date: 17-Nov-2023
          • Asif MAsif SMubarik IHussain R(2022)Malicious Applications Detection in Android Using Machine LearningInternational Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning10.51483/IJAIML.2.2.2022.21-342:2(21-34)Online publication date: 5-Jul-2022
          • Lee DJeon GLee SCho H(2022)Deobfuscating Mobile Malware for Identifying Concealed BehaviorsComputers, Materials & Continua10.32604/cmc.2022.02639572:3(5909-5923)Online publication date: 2022
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          Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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          Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.